The Birthday List: Take a Dance Class

drinkshopdo2It’s been a while since I’ve done an update on my Birthday List. I’m still working diligently on my goals and this week I got to cross one off the list: I took a dance last.

After work on Tuesday, I met Xandra at King’s Cross and we walked over to Drink Shop Do for dinner before strapping on our dancing shoes (okay, they were just our normal shoes) to learn the Collegiate Shag.

I added this particular item to my list because I generally think of myself as an uncoordinated person with no sense of rhythm. This limiting belief doesn’t stop me from busting a move on the dance floor, but it has made me reluctant to do any kind of more formal or choreographed dancing, even though it seems really fun. So this was a great way to push myself out of my comfort zone.

drinkshopdo3This was my first visit to Drink Shop Do, but I’ll definitely be back. It’s part indie boutique, part restaurant/bar, and part quirky event space (Lego robots! List-making night! Musical bingo! Yes, yes, yes!)

For dinner, I had a bowl of pumpkin soup with a side of crusty bread. It was the perfect thing to settle my queasy stomach. I was hoping for a piece of cake as well, but we didn’t have a chance before class started.

I’ll admit, I was actually a little bit nervous going into the class. But I ended up having so much fun.

Xandra and I had signed up as a couple and she kindly offered to learn the lead.

drinkshopdoKings X Swing were hosting the evening. The lovely Sharon was running the door, while Pete taught us how to shag. ;)

We started out on our own, learning the basic footwork (slow, slow, quick, quick, slow, slow…), practicing some pulls, and kicks before trying it all out with our partners. Then we’d switch partners, so that all of the follows could have a chance to learn directly from dancing with Pete.

I had a hard time at first. I was so focused on what to do with my feet that I couldn’t get in a groove and fall in sync with my partner. Once I let myself really follow, everything fell in place a lot more easily. I think there’s a lovely metaphor for life in there, about going learning to go with the flow and just letting things happen, instead of trying to force them.


drinkshopdo4With all those kicks, swing dancing seems like quite the effective workout as well!

Our hour was over far too soon and I’m already itching to get back on the dance floor.

Dance might not be something that comes naturally to me, but I’m really glad I tried something new and I definitely see more swing dancing in my future.

Have you ever tried it? What’s the last thing you did that made you really uncomfortable, but turned out to be a lot of fun?



  1. I did try swing dancing lessons with a former boyfriend, but it didn’t go so well because I kept trying to lead, and he didn’t have the confidence to make me follow him (a metaphor for our relationship for sure…). I’ve taken classes in various dance styles (ballet, tap, modern, flamenco, etc.) and always enjoyed it even though with my limited flexibility it was always a major physical challenge. I hope you go back for another lesson!

  2. I am such a horrible dancer, so this sounds like so much fun! I’d l-o-v-e to learn swing dancing. Also, your dress/skirt, oh my gosh. ♥.♥

    I love that you’re doing all of this. You’re awesome!


  1. […] taking a dance class for my birthday list last year, I knew I wanted to do it again and push myself even further out of […]

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