The Expat Diaries: Transatlantic Accents

Today’s Expat Diaries post is a little bit different. Depending on who I talk to, they seem to be amused by how Canadian I sound or by how much of a British lilt I’m adopting. Have a listen and see what you think…

I filmed this video in May 2012 if you want to watch it for comparison.

Be sure to share a link in the comments if you’ve done the accent meme yourself. If you want to, you can find the words and questions here.

And let me know, can you discern any noticeable differences in my accent?

To transatlantic accents & international adventure,


  1. Jessi says:

    Bahahah Sarah! You are assimilating!

  2. Stephen says:

    Lol…. The individual words are still Canadian but in sentences you’re starting to sound a wee bit Brit

  3. You can definitely notice a bit of British in your accent! How cool! When I lived in England I found that I started to talk with a bit of an accent. British people tend to have a downwards inflection when they ask questions, rather than upwards, and so I started to do that. What really threw me when I first got there is how people constantly ask “are you alright?” rather than “how are you?” Confused the shit out of me because I was like “…what do you mean? Yes I am alright? Do I look not alright?” Man. Those crazy Brits.

    Kirsten |

  4. This is adorable, haha.

  5. I love your accent! Please make more videos. You are ever so cute.

  6. I am only hearing Canadian right now but look forward to seeing how that may change in a few months!

    I love your shirt! Is it a London (city) shirt or for something else? I am visiting in June and would love any suggestions for places to buy not so traditional touristy shirts.


  1. […] you so much about all of your kind words on my video from last week. It seems like most people could hear a bit of a British lilt while I was talking, […]

  2. […] hard to believe that it’s been three months since I posted my accent vlog. Time really does fly when you’re having fun! That being said, so much has changed since the […]

  3. […] can check out my first accent video here and the second one here (apparently I like to change my hair colour for each […]

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